You can contact us by filling out our contact form located in the about us tab or by emailing us directly at info@bluontheavenue.com.

We accept reservations over the phone by calling 407-960-3778 or through OpenTable by clicking on our reservation tab on the top homepage bar.

On-street parking is available for up to 3 hours. Free 4-hour parking is available in municipal parking lots within one block of Park Avenue. For a parking map follow this link.

Yes we do!
Our Happy Hour hours are as follows:
Monday - Sunday: 4pm-6pm
View our Happy Hour menu in our menu tab on the top homepage bar.

Yes you can. There is a $15 Corkage Fee per bottle.

Yes you can. We have a $10 Cake Cutting fee (up to 10 guests) for bringing in your own dessert ($1 per person over 10 guests).

Gift Cards can be purchased from our bartender if you choose to visit or you can order a digital certificate online via our gift cards page located in the about us tab.

Yes you can! We have an Event Coordinator ready to help plan your special event, learn more details about hosting an event at our restaurant by contacting events@310restaurant.com.

We maintain normal hours on every holiday. Any changes will be updated on our social media accounts, and posted under our News tab. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest information and offers.

We are always looking for talented individuals. We accept applications at our location or on our website in the contact us section found on the footer of our homepage.

Contact us directly by sending us an email to info@bluontheavenue.com.